Wednesday night rally @Goringlee June 16
Goringlee Goringlee, Sproutes Lane, Coolham, Horsham, Surrey, United Kingdom1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
With a judge at Goringlee from 4pm onwards. Individual sessions to ride through your Area Test and discuss with the judge where you could gain extra marks
From minis (less than 60cm) to majors (up to 11ocm) Please email Clare to reserve a space -
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
Test riding practice rally with a judge at Goringlee from 4pm onwards. Individual sessions to ride through your Area Test and discuss with the judge where you could gain extra marks
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm