Show jumping rally from minis to majors
Goringlee Goringlee, Sproutes Lane, Coolham, Horsham, Surrey, United KingdomFrom minis (less than 60cm) to majors (up to 11ocm) Please email Clare to reserve a space -
From minis (less than 60cm) to majors (up to 11ocm) Please email Clare to reserve a space -
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
Test riding practice rally with a judge at Goringlee from 4pm onwards. Individual sessions to ride through your Area Test and discuss with the judge where you could gain extra marks
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
1 hour group rally, running from 5-6pm 6-7pm
Test riding practice rally with a judge at Goringlee from 4pm onwards. Individual sessions to ride through your Area Test and discuss with the judge where you could gain extra marks